Zero-miles poplar: the source material of excellence
The source material of our panels is mainly white poplar wood. Widespread in Italy, where its cultivation is an important example of silviculture (i.e. planned cultivation of woods and forests), poplar is mainly used in the production of plywood and paper.
For our Lombardo Pioppo, Lombardo Piuma and Lombardo Pioppo/Abete panels we largely use poplar grown in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the fourth region for production volumes in Italy after Lombardy, Piedmont and Emilia Romagna – areas historically dedicated to this cultivation. The landscape of the Friulian plain is typified by poplar woods, which are recognized by their perfectly aligned and spaced trees. Poplars are tall and straight, and their lower branches are pruned to promote growth and eliminate the knots in the most valuable part of their trunks. Due to the abundance of water, the moist and fine-grained soil, and the prevalent climate in the region, the quality of Friulian poplar is widely recognised in the industry.
It takes about nine years from planting to felling. At this age, the wood reaches its perfect consistency and colour required for the industrial uses to which it is intended. Harvesting is controlled. No part of the tree is wasted. The trunks are sold to plywood manufacturers, while leaves and stumps are used as biomass for energy generation. The upper section of the tree becomes the source material for our panels.
After harvesting, the land is first left to rest for a time, then replanted to give life to a new poplar forest and absorb huge amounts of CO2 – a virtuous cycle that is good for the environment and for the people.